Makeshift Armor is an augment in TFT that boosts your units’ armor and magic resistance. However, these units must not have any items equipped. There are three different variations of the Makeshift Armor augment:
- Makeshift Armor One: Your units with no items gain 35 armor and magic resistance.
- Makeshift Armor Two: Your units with no items gain 55 armor and magic resistance.
- Makeshift Armor Three: Your units with no items gain 75 armor and magic resistance.

Does Makeshift Armor Stack TFT?
Luckily, Makeshift armor does stack. For example, if you choose Makeshift Armor One and later choose Makeshift Armor Two, your units with no items gain the bonus armor and magic resistance from both augments.
So, with Makeshift Armor One and Two active, these units gain a total of 90 armor and magic resistance. If you’re lucky enough to get all three tiers of makeshift armor, your champions with no items gain 165 armor and magic resistance.
Does Phony Frontline Work With Makeshift Armor?
Makeshift armor is an augment that gives bonus armor and magic resistance when there are no items on a unit—the target dummies created by Phony Frontline count as units.
The target dummies cannot equip items, so they get the bonus armor and magic resistance. You can check by right-clicking the target dummy to see the bonus.
Makeshift Armor also works on the Innovation created by the Innovator trait. To see the bonus, right-click the Innovation and check its stats.