How To Counter Ryze?

Ryze can duel and win with most champions. To counter him, try to avoid fighting Ryze unless you have the …

How To Counter Ezreal?

One of the best ways to counter Ezreal is to have excellent support. In the late game, focus on him …

How To Counter Diana?

To counter Diana, always try to dodge her Crescent Strike. Once you avoid it, you lower the damage she deals …

How To Counter Lucian?

The best way to counter Lucian is to pay attention to his ult at level six. Lucian can use his …

How To Counter Pantheon?

To counter Pantheon, pay attention to where he is about to land. You can cast skill shots in that direction …

How To Counter Jhin?

To Counter Jhin, avoid his 4th auto-attack. It deals the most damage. Jhin’s basic attacks are slow, so he can’t …