To complete the play different classes TFT mission, you must have the champions of different classes on the board. For example, Diana (Assasin), Dr. Mundo (Berserker), and Yasuo (Blademaster) count as 3 different classes.

However, one Diana does not trigger a point in the mission. You MUST activate the class bonus to trigger the trait to get the point for the quest. Thus, you need 3 Assasins. Diana, Nocturne, and Qiyana, for example.
Teamfight Tactics Classes
Alchemist Units
Alchemists ignore unit collision and never stop running. Alchemist units:
- Singed (5-cost) Alchemist + Poison
Assassin Units
Assassins increase their crit damage and crit chance. Assassin units:
- Diana (1-cost) Assassin + Inferno
- LeBlanc (2-cost) Assassin + Mage + Woodland
- Nocturne (3-cost) Assassin + Steel
- Qiyana (3-cost) Assassin + Variable
- Kha’Zix (4-cost) Assassin + Desert
- Zed (5-cost) Assassin + Electric + Summoner
Avatar Units
An Avatar’s origin element is counted twice for trait bonuses.
- Lux (7-cost) Avatar + Variable
Ten copies of Lux will appear in each game; they are of the following origins: Glacial, Cloud, Electric, Woodland, Ocean, Crystal, Steel, Inferno, Shadow, or Light.
When you buy a Lux, all other copies of Lux in your shop will match that particular element.
Berserker Units
Beserkers have a passive that causes them to jump to the nearest enemy (sort of like the opposite of assassins). They have a chance to hit all units in a cone with their attacks. Berserker units:
- Renekton (1-cost) Berserker + Desert
- Jax (2-cost) Berserker + Light
- Volibear (2-cost) Berserker + Electric + Glacial
- Dr. Mundo (3-cost) Berserker + Poison
- Sion (3-cost) Berserker + Shadow
- Olaf (4-cost) Berserker + Glacial
Blademaster Units
Blademasters have a 40% chance to attack additional times. Blademaster units:
- Yasuo (2-cost) Cloud + Blademaster
- Aatrox (3-cost) Blademaster + Light
- Sivir (3-cost) Blademaster + Desert
- Master Yi (5-cost) Blademaster + Mystic + Shadow
Druid Units
Druids regenerate 40 health each second. Druid units:
- Ivern (1-cost) Druid + Woodland
- Maokai (1-cost) Druid + Woodland
- Neeko (2-cost) Druid + Woodland
Mage Units
After casting a spell, Mages have a chance to double cast. Mage units:
- LeBlanc (1-cost) Assassin + Mage + Woodland
- Taliyah (1-cost) Mage + Ocean
- Vladimir (1-cost) Mage + Ocean
- Syndra (2-cost) Mage + Ocean
- Veigar (3-cost) Mage + Shadow
- Brand (4-cost) Inferno + Mage
Mystic Units
Mystic gives all allies increased Magic Resist. Mystic units:
- Soraka (3-cost) Light + Mystic
- Janna (4-cost) Cloud + Mystic
- Master Yi (5-cost) Blademaster + Mystic + Shadow
- Nami (5-cost) Mystic + Ocean
Predator Units
Any damage a predator deals to an enemy below 20% HP will execute them. Predator units:
- Kog’Maw (1-cost) Poison + Predator
- Warwick (1-cost) Glacial + Predator
- Rek’Sai (2-cost) Predator + Steel
- Skarner (2-cost) Crystal + Predator
Ranger Units
Rangers have a chance to double their attack speed for the next 3 seconds. Ranger units:
- Vayne (1-cost) Light + Ranger
- Varus (2-cost) Inferno + Ranger
- Ezreal (3-cost) Glacial + Ranger
- Kindred (3-cost) Inferno + Ranger + Shadow
- Ashe (4-cost) Crystal + Ranger
- Twitch (4-cost) Poison + Ranger
Summoner Units
Summoners buff their summoned units with increased health and duration.
Summoner units:
- Zyra (1-cost) Inferno + Summoner
- Malzahar (2-cost) Shadow + Summoner
- Azir (3-cost) Desert + Summoner
- Annie (4-cost) Inferno + Summoner
- Yorick (4-cost) Light + Summoner
- Zed (5-cost) Assassin + Electric + Summoner
Warden Units
Wardens increase their total armor. Warden units:
- Nasus (1-cost) Light + Warden
- Ornn (1-cost) Electric + Warden
- Braum (2-cost) Glacial + Warden
- Thresh (2-cost) Ocean + Warden
- Nautilus (3-cost) Ocean + Warden
- Malphite (4-cost) Mountain + Warden
- Taric (5-cost) Crystal + Warden
- [SOLVED] Play 12 Different Origins TFT Mission – Easy Guide – Collegian News