What Is Rich Get Richer TFT?

Rich Get Richer is an augment in TFT. The Rich Get Richer augment trait is the one players use to get a free boost of 10 gold early in Teamfight Tactics. However, The Rich Get Richer augment has two benefits:

  1. Immediately Gain 10 gold.
  2. Your maximum interest increases to seven.
rich get richer augment

How Does The Rich Get Richer Work In TFT?

The Rich Get Richer gives you extra gold immediately. It also lets you earn up to 7 interest per round instead of the usual 5. You have to select the augment when it appears as a choice.

Do You Need 70 Gold For Rich Get Richer?

Yes. For the Rich Get Richer augment to work, you need 70 or more gold. So, instead of 5 when you’re holding 70 gold or more, you now get +7 gold when you’re saving 70 or more gold. It does not matter if you are on a winning streak or losing streak; so long as you have 70+ gold, you will get an interest of 7+ gold at the end of each battle phase.

If you hold 60 gold, you get six gold in interest instead of 5. And, when you have a total of 70 or more gold, you get seven gold in interest instead of the regular 5.

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