How To Counter Brand?

To counter Brand, avoid being near targets of his ultimate. His ult can bounce from one teammate to the next. …

How To Counter Swain?

To counter Swain, avoid drawn-out fights and skirmishes because Swain does better the longer the battle. His ultimate lets him …

How To Counter Vi?

To counter Vi, choose a champion with disable abilities. Abilities that silence, stun, snare, etc. can interrupt Vi’s Vault Break. …

How To Counter Ahri?

To counter Ahri, always try to avoid her Charm. Stay behind your minion wave to stop Ahri from landing her …

How To Counter Aatrox?

To counter Aatrox, engage him when his Blood Well is low. If he dies while it is low, he revives …

How To Counter Pyke

The best counter is Nami. She is somewhat challenging to play, but she currently has a win rate of 53.83%, …